On deciding to study abroad, you will be faced with an abundance of information available on the internet and social websites which might make you confused and anxious. This could get worse when you don’t know how or where to find specific details on the course, college, location, admission process, and fee. To tackle this challenge, you need immediate assistance and that is where Irez comes helpful with expert counsellors to help you out. We are fully equipped to guide you through the maze of questions and doubts, ensuring to fulfil your dream of studying abroad.
Irez has active collaboration with numerous colleges in different countries to help students and parents settle on the best career option available. Our core objective is to provide reliable, cost-effective, and incomparable service to every student. The guidance process is tailored to take all your objectives and preferences into account to find the perfect college matching your scholastic and personal goals. Our career counsellors and trainers are well experienced to make sure your financial objectives and educational needs are met perfectly.
Continued guidance will be provided at every point starting from application to admission to visa and travel assistance. Irez looks forward to providing a smooth and hassle-free experience to every student and parent while fulfilling their academic goals.
No tuition fee program counseling
Many European countries provide 100% scholarships to eligible students and we are equipped with a dedicated Admission team focused on applying to universities that provide the facility.